So, we’re departing from our normal blog format to take this opportunity to make a request of our workforce analytics and planning community. We are in the process of conducting research on tradeoffs related to technology choices in support of broad-based workforce analytics and planning — where we see organizations struggling between "living without" technology, building their own capabilities, engaging pre-built niche vendors and working with their ERP systems to address this need. If you would like to participate, please reach out to us at .
We want to hear from you!
While we have our own experience in this area (having built multiple niche solutions, as well as past partnerships with other vendors), we know that options have come online and evolved so rapidly that there is talk about whether any selection today could create limitations tomorrow. How can we future-proof our technology decisions, when each day it seems that there is another announcement of a new capability, enhancement or addition of predictive analysis, natural language processing or other modeling technique in the work that we do?
Like with many great things in life, the answer is that we are stronger as a collective group than individually. We all have our experiences, and we are asking you to impart yours, with the commitment that we will share a summary of findings with all those who participate.
What are we asking of you? We are hoping for 1/2 hour of your time for a phone interview to answer some specific questions, which will remain confidential. Only summary information will be produced for the benefit of the larger community.
Regardless of your own answers, it may be worth participating in this research, if you’d like to see how the collective group responded. To receive a copy of the summary results, you must participate in the survey. Thanks in advance for your contribution!